Intellectual property is an essential management element for not only large companies, but also small and medium-sized companies, and venture companies to grow and develop based on technology; however, young small and medium-sized companies, and venture companies tend to be fully occupied by primary duties, such as technical development and opening and expansion of their market, and have insufficient time, human resources and knowledge for contemplating intellectual property strategy.
Such a situation is potentially dangerous.
For example, if a technology developed by a company infringes an existing patent right, the company may need to change not only the design of the developed technology, but also their business strategy. Even if the developed technology does not infringe any existing patent right, the company may never establish a secure footing for business management if the company does not secure an exclusive right by obtaining a patent right for the technology and allows entry of a competitor.
We support you in reducing risk relating to intellectual property and effectively managing intellectual property, as an intellectual property department which large companies usually have, and contribute to growth and development of your business.