
We only use the personal information entered by you when we contact you through our company representative.We do not use it for any other purpose at all.

Contact us by phone

Reception hours: Weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00
(except Saturday,Sunday and holidays)

Contact us by FAX

Reception hours: Weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00
(except Saturday,Sunday and holidays)

Mail form Mail form

Please do not use single-byte katakana,Please enter using double byte Japanese characters and single byte alphanumeric characters.Fields displayed with * are mandatory.

We only use the personal information entered by you when we contact you through our company representative.We do not use it for any other purpose at all.

Company name
Phone number※
Email address※
Contents of inquiry※
Please feel free to ask anything.

After confirming the entered information, click on "Confirm"button.

After confirming the entered information, click on "Submit"button.


Feel free to contact us via e-mail form if you have questions related to patents or other things.

Please access this for contact