
Foreign Patent

Business globalization is necessary to acquire foreign patent rights such as in the United States and Europe.There are two foreign applications; International application route and direct application route to the United States. Thorough investigation is required for which route is to be used depending on the schedule of business development. We shall listen to what you say and brainstorm together.

Foreign Trademark and Design

Every country has intellectual property rights system. When products and services cross the border, it is necessary to consider the country-wise protection of naming or design. We offer the best strategy considering merits and demerits and guide you with regards to whether to apply directly to each country or you can do an international application.

Foreign Application Target Countries

We can support almost all countries including Asian countries such as China, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore etc. and the United States, Europe, Brazil, Australia etc.

Small and Medium Venture companies Small and Medium Venture companies

We do our utmost to support small and medium enterprises and startups too. We adopt the clients' perspective, and we give comprehensive advice related to intellectual property including whether the patent application will really contribute to the clients' business or not.In recent years, overseas expansions are increasing due to factory establishments. And thus consultations and requests from the people who are filing patent applications to developing countries are increasing.Please feel free to contact us.

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